Maybe so or maybe not indeed… with no knowledge of such things… im kinda hoping they’ll do Miami just to mix it up… and i’m born and bred New York City…. MSG is always the easy dream… but sometimes I like the trip…. wishful thinking!!!
Billy Joel is playing at Madison Square Gardens in NYC at the end of December.
Just visit the NYC Now website.
Billy Joel Tickets | Billy Joel MSG Concerts at Madison Square Garden – December 29, 2018 – NYCNow
December 30, 2018, 7:30 pm
Billy Joel Tickets | Billy Joel MSG Concerts at Madison Square Garden – December 29, 2018 – NYCNow
I was given 31-3 a while back secondhand from management. I didn’t bother checking Rangers/Knicks schedules since my source has been dead on in the past. Semantics aside, let’s do this!!
false, billy joel will not be playing a show after the middle of december at MSG. His own website backs this up. It also includes his NYE listing at Nassau Veterans…
Being a South Florida resident, as much as I wish it were in Miami this year, I just don’t see it happening. The Heat have a game on the 30th and the 28th through 31st is a Friday through Monday respectively so an inverted New Year’s run like last time here just doesn’t make sense.
Holding out for next year when I believe it will be a big 20 years later South Florida blowout either at American Airlines or maybe where they do the current Okeechobee fest. Being a self Florida resident, as much as I wish it were in Miami this year, I just don’t see it happening. We have a game on the 30th and the 28th through 31st is a Friday through Sunday respectively so I’m inverted New Year’s right like last time here just doesn’t make sense. Holding out for next year when I believe it will be a big 20 years later south Florida blowout either at American Airlines or maybe where they do the current Okeechobee fest.
Why MSG?
Because all but Jon have residences in NYC so they can sleep in their own bed every night; They LOVE MSG; MSG LOVES them; Nobody else has MSG change house policy rules; Liquor sales.
Phish sees fun and convenience. MSG sees M$O$N$E$Y , lots and lots of it.
Minneapolis, Minnesota is a go for NYE! Dress warm Wooks! Super friendly place, especially in winter. If anyone wants to ice fish during the day hit me up!
Maybe so or maybe not indeed… with no knowledge of such things… im kinda hoping they’ll do Miami just to mix it up… and i’m born and bred New York City…. MSG is always the easy dream… but sometimes I like the trip…. wishful thinking!!!
They are playing curveball and the Albany shows…I believe last time they played twice in NYC they went to Miami for New Years?
New Years 18-19 will be in……………
When did Miami get crossed out – and why? Any info? Thanks!
This is in Stone?
Miami please!!!
Saw Miami was scratched off. Any reason for that update?
Hopefully not MSG again go somewhere else!
Thank you for this!! Year after year the NYE rumor thread on this site proves to be accurate.. It’s really helpful for planning. TY! =)
My house!
My buddy who is working at CEG entertainment said that MSG on 12/28-12/31 is a done deal. Book your hotels now and thank me later.
Take it down to Live Oak, FL Suwannee River. Truly one of the best venues in America
I want MSG. Already booked flights & hotels for a week in NY. It’s harder to plan for us here in europe…so dont dissappoint me now, guys
A buddy of mine works at CEG Entertainment and confirmed that Phish will be at MSG for 12/28-12/31. That is a promise.
Why was Miami crossed out? Fuck this shit, Phish. Come to Miami!!!
its New york for sure. My friend works there and said they are already scheudeled for phish NYE. also she said 18 shows at the garden next year
Think they play enough up there? nothing like an warm Atlantic swim in the morning, then mozzy on over to the shakedown in shorts in the afternoon.
Billy Joel is playing at Madison Square Gardens in NYC at the end of December.
Just visit the NYC Now website.
Billy Joel Tickets | Billy Joel MSG Concerts at Madison Square Garden – December 29, 2018 – NYCNow
December 30, 2018, 7:30 pm
Billy Joel Tickets | Billy Joel MSG Concerts at Madison Square Garden – December 29, 2018 – NYCNow
False, he’s doing 12/19 at MSG and then 12/31 in Nassau coliseum. His own website confirms this.
Billy’s playing Nassau, not the Garden
Billy Joel is playing msg on December 19th and the nassau arena on December 31st. No conflict with msg end of December.
Phish needs to come to winter wonderland in Miami in 2018. MSG is boring and overdone already
When will we see NYE announcement? Right up against Fall Tour week?
MSG is Home for new year’ Curveball makes it a easier choice..
12.31.18 – 1.3.19 MSG
12/28-31 MSG, rangers play on the 27th & 2nd
Rangers game at MSG on 2nd
Chris, Conor-
I was given 31-3 a while back secondhand from management. I didn’t bother checking Rangers/Knicks schedules since my source has been dead on in the past. Semantics aside, let’s do this!!
Boooooooooo MSG. Miami is due — gotta filter out the Everglades.
They did
New Bucks arena new year’s
Billy Joel is there on 12-19 and NOT 12-29.
false, billy joel will not be playing a show after the middle of december at MSG. His own website backs this up. It also includes his NYE listing at Nassau Veterans…
That Billy Joel stuff is not true.
On powerful pills I was flying in my Wingsuit over Miami.
The Heat are at home on the 28th and 30th : (
Being a South Florida resident, as much as I wish it were in Miami this year, I just don’t see it happening. The Heat have a game on the 30th and the 28th through 31st is a Friday through Monday respectively so an inverted New Year’s run like last time here just doesn’t make sense.
Holding out for next year when I believe it will be a big 20 years later South Florida blowout either at American Airlines or maybe where they do the current Okeechobee fest. Being a self Florida resident, as much as I wish it were in Miami this year, I just don’t see it happening. We have a game on the 30th and the 28th through 31st is a Friday through Sunday respectively so I’m inverted New Year’s right like last time here just doesn’t make sense. Holding out for next year when I believe it will be a big 20 years later south Florida blowout either at American Airlines or maybe where they do the current Okeechobee fest.
Why MSG?
Because all but Jon have residences in NYC so they can sleep in their own bed every night; They LOVE MSG; MSG LOVES them; Nobody else has MSG change house policy rules; Liquor sales.
Phish sees fun and convenience. MSG sees M$O$N$E$Y , lots and lots of it.
Pink Talking Fish is conveniently playing at gramercy in NYC on 12/29..afterparty?
Minneapolis, Minnesota is a go for NYE! Dress warm Wooks! Super friendly place, especially in winter. If anyone wants to ice fish during the day hit me up!