Phish Summer 2020 Rumors

7/14-7/15 Lake Tahoe, NV???? Eugene, Oregon

7/17-19 George, WA

7/21-22 Oregon or Lake Tahoe???

7/24 The Forum, CA

7/25-26 San Francisco, CA

7/26 Irvine/LA, CA ?

7/29 Walmart AMP Rogers, AR

7/31 Pelham, AL ?

8/1-2 – Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA

8/4-5 Nashville, TN

8/7-9 Noblesville, IN

8/11?? – 12 Hershey, PA Giant Center

8/14-16 Atlantic City, NJ

9/4-6 Commerce City, CO

137 thoughts on “Phish Summer 2020 Rumors

  1. 7/14-7/15 Lake Tahoe
    7/18-7/20 gorge
    7/21-7/22 bend or Eugene OR
    7/24-7/25 San Fran
    7/26 LA
    7/30 oak mountain
    8/2 8/3 Atlanta
    8/5 Nashville
    8/7 – 8/9 deer creek
    Labor Day weekend Dicks

    Is what I heard

  2. Some could be accurate, but the travel seems so illogical here. Plus they haven’t played in Deer Creek in ages, and i feel AC is one of the most frequently fake rumored sites. But happy to see the rumors get started!

    • Yeah, the height of the Creek was late 1.0. That’s when a 3-night run was the most sought after Tour stop outside of the year’s festy. If the Creek was still a hot commodity, 2 and 3 night runs would be an annual Tour occurence.

      However, I’m still welcoming the Creek’s long-overdue return to greatness !!

  3. That’s what i’m talking about! I’m assuming the SF shows would be at chase center? Fingers crossed that’s the case. Tix would be significantly easier than BGCA.

  4. Aight I had a buddy who’s got the scoop Encore Park at Alpharetta in Atl (whoever is the owner now) had a sales rep a tell a box ticket holder that Phish has a 3 night run planned this year as the guy was gonna not renew. But, Kidz Bop is there 08/01 so that blows up the date on this.

    • Atl also has Celaris Amphitheatre on the south side and no shows scheduled for 7/31 to 8/2. Piedmont Park is also an option where they have hosted large concerts like DMB in the past.

      • You’re 100 percent right! Doubling down on Lakewood would make sense particularly after a few Alpha years.

        The Piedmont rumors are exciting but I’d believe it when I see it.

  5. Gorge is confirmed. CID has reserved all rooms that weekend in Moses Lake at the Lake Front Best Western (and likely CaveB)
    This whole list is probably legit with the correct dates.

    • While the shows themselves were great last year, I doubt I ever return to Alpine Valley. No vending in lots, and the cops really really suck. AV kinda blew it on the pit tix as well… they let so many people in the pit that some with pit tix did not get let in. I’m pulling for Northerly Island. Or maybe UIC.

      • Couldn’t disagree w you more: Alpine Valley is great, view from the lawn is good anywhere. Northerly you can’t see anything from the lawn, and it’s in the most congested part of the city / requires miles of walking just to get into. Lines are always a shit show too.

  6. 7/14-15 – Tahoe, NV
    7/17-19 – Gorge, WA
    7/21-22 – Bend, OR
    7/24-25 – San Fran, CA
    7/26 – Irvine, CA
    7/30 – Rogers, AR
    7/31 – Pelham, AL
    8/1-2 – Atlanta, GA
    8/7-8 – Deer Creek
    8/9 – Bethlehem, PA
    8/12 – Hershey, PA
    8/14-16 – Atlantic City, NJ
    9/4-6 – Dicks, CO

    • I would be all for a Michigan stop IF we had a venue here on the west side of the state!! The west coast of Michigan is such a prime and beautiful place!!
      If only the old Val Du Lakes concert venue in Mears, Michigan was still an option!! I believe this would, and could be a bucket list venue!!

  7. 8/11-12 Hershey… I can’t believe ac would be the only east coast events. No mpp no camden\mann. No N.Y.or Maine. Unless something wicked is planned for the fall , I think we can expect some p.a. Love

  8. ATL Piedmont Park for 8/1 and 8/2 confirmed from someone who works there. They didn’t mention 7/31 which leads me to believe that night is not going to be ATL.

  9. Minneapolis/St.Paul?
    Four years since St. Paul
    Twenty since Minneapolis.
    I know Trey was in Minneapolis in October but it might be time for the guys to come to Target Center or Xcel Energy Center – I’ll watch from my couch.

  10. Even if you do not actually love the band but find solace in seeing them for show number count, do you still like phish?

  11. Has anyone been to the Walmart AMP? Pictures look nice but how is the sound, views, vibe? How’s the heat there in July? First time they’ll be play in Arkansas, could be a throwdown or they could stay safe.

    • It should be fine by late afternoon, lived furthur south in Arkansas and its not as ‘bad’ as Deep South, humidity wise. My experiences with other shows in Little Rock have been fine with the lots… Rogers is close to Fayetteville, which is a college town, but school will be out!!

  12. It makes sense for them to do the Montana date if they are playing in Arkansas- assuming they keep the theme up of playing places they haven’t done before to keep things fresh for the band… kinda like when they played the Zoo in OKC… that was wild!

    I’ve heard that KettleHouse Brewing Co. is producing a special beer for Phish for their summer performance in Montana… and they will play at the baseball field in Missoula where Pearl Jam recently played… So, if we are keeping an Arkansas rumor alive then don’t let go of the Montana date!!!

  13. If there’s an Oregon show, it’ll most likely be in Bend. Had a discussion with a higher up from Matt Knight in Eugene, and he’s heard nothing about a show there, and he’s someone who would have heard.

  14. I checked with A.P.E. They DO produce shows at Chase Center. Upcoming is Tame Impala (sold out!) on March 13 and Lumineers in August.

  15. With the movement of Tahoe maybe not being the tour opener is their anyone hearing that Missoula is back on the map to open the tour? Ogren Park holds 13,000 people. Logjam Presents is the promotion company and folks have been chattering on rumor threads that Kettlehouse Brewery is brewing a craft beer for the arrival of phish in Missoula.

  16. Ifs time we all start asking the band to cancel summer tour… it’s not going to happen. And the sooner they cancel we can make sure everyone gets there refunds before some places go out of business. Live nation, cash or trade, and especially Stubhub are in big time trouble… for now don’t buy any tickets – you might lose your $… now we hope all these companies will be ok, and maybe I’m wrong… but I want to make sure all of my #phriends don’t lose much needed money to survive. Great news is if and when this goes away – then you can buy tickets… just don’t buy any now

    See everyone summer of 2021
    Stay safe
    Stay the Phuck home

    • None of them are in danger of going out of business and your tickets/funds being lost.

      • Live Nation/Ticketmaster is unofficially protected by Congress (ask Pearl Jam)
      • StubHub would get sucked up by Live Nation Entertainment or other industry competitors
      • CoT could easily be supported by recent small business stimulus package (IMHO), or (Icculus forbid) the later mentioned above

      Capitalism 101

      See you in 2020

    • Why would we want them to cancel the tour? I look forward to it all year, and likely have clinical depression now because the tab and oysterhead shows I was going to the spring were canceled. Im keeping my phingers crossed. I think Trey is getting stir crazy and wants to get back at it, but from recent interviews, I get the feeling Page is timid to take the stage, Mike seems indifferent, and I havent heard Fishman opine either way. Im guessing that he is just along for the ride, and if duty calls he will throw the f@ck down. By all means sell your tickets if you can find buyers, or stay home, or come along, but I’ll be damned if I will spend my short amount of time on this earth in self imposed prison, with the sentence stretching on, undefined. Id rather die a free man than to live vicariously through a cellphone in a safe bubble while daddy government provides my sustenance, hard pass. Dont get too attached to that teat fellas, they can just as easily cut you off without warning. Maybe the band will wear masks, we cant have them scaring the children by running around the country with out any prophylaxis!! This whole thing is beyond ridiculous, and I worry about all my brothers and sisters out there, not because of the corona, but the psychological trauma this will have, serious anxiety issues stemming from this scare, and severe depression and suicides from loss of jobs and wages. We dont hear about the lives lost from suicide, alcohol, and drug abuse because of our “new normal” Hell, if this is what I have to look forward to the rest of my existence, I might join them. What will happen next flu season? Most of you have been conditioned like scared lemmings, you will huddle in fear awaiting your government’s command to shelter in place. My advice is turn off the news TV, the news radio, stop reading all of the news articles online, on facebook, twitter, etc. That is the real virus my phriends. The sooner you realize that, the happier you will be. The numbers for this dont add up statistically from what Ive heard they are reporting to what I see with my eyes. Yes, I am aware that is anecdotal, but I refuse to blindly obey the government/msm. I travel within 5 states daily for work, and I have yet to encounter this virus that only seems to affect hollywood types, nba, nfl, ncaa players, government official’s spouses (but never the official themselves) and journalist, and thank heavens they have made rapid, full recoveries. We all have an expiration date, so don’t sit around scared of your own shadows waiting for it, enjoy your time here while it last. Many states are back open for business, and I think the band should tour and play for the ones brave enough to attend. I dont want anyone to catch the Shanghai Shivers, but personally I would rather contribute to the many hands, that are seldom if ever seen or noticed, who work tirelessly to make a tour possible, and who’s lives have been put on hold and want to provide for their families, thats what Im most concerned about.

  17. It would be good to know what the plan is for Summer Tour. It looks like TIcketmaster will not be refunding canceled shows this summer.

  18. Florida is open! Big Cypress 2020! We can make this happen! For real- come on we can still make this year amazing by reuniting at Big Cypres for NYE2020!!!

  19. Still nothing but crickets on this site! Wtf happened to ROCK N ROLL?!? Where are the rumors for WHY this band should be playing music and what the STATUS is for the Tour dates they still have up in their website? I mean where is the discussion?!!? I can’t be the only one who is wondering if they are actually gonna tour? And if not I want to know about it NOW!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!!!

  20. Sooo…….do we think we get any type of 2021 summer tour? People should be able to get vaxed by May, so lets get this thing going and confirm the makeups are on.

  21. Based on other bands it seems like the outdoor shows will go on, possibly July shows moved to augsust.. and the indoor shows will be moved or most likely cancelled.

    This is maroon 5 today, and other bands doing the same….


    Hey S.I.N. Club

    We have had to make some adjustments to the 2021 Tour. Unfortunately some shows have had to be rescheduled and/or cancelled.

    These shows have been rescheduled:

    White River Amphitheatre is now August 10, 2021 (Previously July 30)
    USANA Amphitheatre is now August 12, 2021 (Previously July 23)
    Isleta Amphitheater is now August 14, 2021 (Previously July 17)
    Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre is now August 18, 2021 (Previously August 20)
    American Family Insurance Amphitheater is now August 19, 2021 (Previously August 9)
    North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre is now October 5, 2021 (Previously July 15)
    Shoreline Amphitheatre is now October 7, 2021 (Previously July 25)
    Concord Pavilion is now October 8, 2021 (Previously July 26)

    These shows have been cancelled:

    Pepsi Center
    Moda Center
    Pepsi Live at Rogers Arena
    Rogers Place
    Xcel Energy Center
    Pinnacle Bank Arena
    Sprint Center
    Chesapeake Energy Arena
    Simmons Bank Arena
    Madison Square Garden

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