11/22-23 . N. Charleston, SC ????
11/29-30: Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence, RI??
12/1-2: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Uniondale, NY??
12/2 or 3 Apollo Theater, NYC ??? The Met Philly??? SiriusXM Event
12/4 Philladelphia Wells Fargo Center or Pittsburgh?
12/6-8 Atlanta or Duluth, GA?? North Charleston Coliseum?
Daddy likes Island Tour 2
Well that would be pretty cool if you ask me…but why so short?
it Seems like all the tours revolve around school vacations for the phish children.
I heard that a week ago too!
I heard that last week too!!!
So no winter tour just a 4 show island run?
They are giving up Halloween and now doing shows on Thanksgiving Day (11/28). That’s what I heard anyways.
late Nov early Dec isn’t even winter. they’re not doing a winter tour as long as Mexico is going on.
So island hopping with phish this holiday season? Msg is on an island as well
Premise is nans. Rhode Island is neither a Road nor an Island.
It’s rhode Island and providence plantations. The Rhode Island is aquidneck island. Which is an island with 2 long roads.
Their overdue for shows!
I just fell in love. Someone who knows Rhode Island isn’t part a NY (gotta be from the 401) and a Phan. The dunk needs phish. Stat.
Hey hey hey ^^ there will be No complaining over Phish’s potential first winter run since 09!!! Even if it’s 2 venues, oh and happens to be an island tour in 2019
Hardly fits the spirit of the original, that of an impromptu run in an otherwise 6+ month gap without any shows in the US.
My guess for anything other than the usual New Years MSG would be something in Cali or FL (I base this on the palm tree T shirt released by drygoods).
Is there something to be said about the alligator all over Summer Tour logos??? Pondering speculation…
Those shirts are from 2016 so I don’t think you should base these shirts on solid info on where they will be playing.
Looks like the Chula Vista Event Tee from 2016 to back this up.
I take it you didnt go to a show this summer because there were alligator shirts
No way they’re playing Apollo. Venue is way too small, only 1500 capacity. I’d love island tour round 2 though
Its gonna be a Sirius thing.
Apollo seems in line with their new Sirius channel. They put on events there with key talent pretty often.
this is very true. metallica and paul mcartney to name 2.
Look man there’s just no way they put on a show there. People would lose their shit trying to get tickets. Scalpers would price them out so damn high. Wooks would ‘WOOOOOK’ harder than normal and just embarrass the community and scene. They’re far too big to play that venue man and as great as it would be the risk of damage is to great. Sorry about being a downer here.
Respectfully, Springsteen and U2 each played it as part of a Sirius promotion and it worked out just fine. They are far bigger acts. I think I might apply to be an usher now and avoid the ticket frenzy.
Respectfully, I can’t imagine the ‘WOOK’ scene of Springsteen, U2, Paul McCartney, Metallica, and other groups being as gross, rude, and obnoxious as some of Phish ‘Wook like’ Phans.
Roseland 2000 we had to go to venue to get wristbands the day before. It was organized, even though wooks disobeyed the “No getting in line prior to venue window opening at 8(?)am” rule. We are a seasoned community who knows how to navigate show intricacies faaaaar better than practically every other band. If it goes down, the only negative effects will be the crying (read the reality that you can’t always get what you want) from everyone who got shut out on their chance to get in the show. Gone are the days of working for, and earning, your ticket. (Get up early, get in line for hours, fill out money orders, etc. for your chance of getting a ticket, instead of phone, apps, bots all in the comfort of your home/cubicle. Just saying…
there will not be a single ticket put on sale for the Apollo if it happens. Sirius shows are closed to the public.
Apollo shows apparently ALWAYS happen within months of a new sirius XM channel launch and its a benefit show that only Sirius XM contest winners get to attend. It has happened for a lot of the specific channel launches that are dedicated to one band.
Only 1300 capacity after I tarp my area
Coral sky!!!
I can’t wait for 5-7 shows throughout florida
If there doing any shows they better make a announcement soon it’s getting into mid August already! This is all fake rumors till it’s announced from the band!
They announced a fall tour 2009 in early October once. And fall tour 2010 in late August.
Fall tour link above
November 29th Dunkin’ Doughnuts Center Providence, RI
November 30th Dunkin’ Doughnuts Center Providence, RI
December 1st Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum – Uniondale, NY
December 4th Petersen Events Center – Pittsburgh, PA
December 6th North Charleston Coliseum – North Charleston, SC
December 7th North Charleston Coliseum – North Charleston, SC
December 8th North Charleston Coliseum – North Charleston, SC
Anyone know if the Charleston shows are GA only like Hampton? In the lottery request only seems to have GA options
Yes they all are, North Charleston Coliseum is gonna be a free for all.
If by it being “a free for all” you mean chaos, that’s not true at all. Phish has done all GA shows before and they are always very tame despite what you may think. I’ve never had an issue even when I was going for the floor.
Last run had 2 options: GA Floor & GA Stands
Last time Phish played Charleston there were two GA ticket options: Floor & Stands.