Summer tour in August only. 8/2 – 8/23????
Lollapalooza? – Chicago
Deer Creek —
Watkins Glen — 8/21-8/23 Ten at the Glen
No Fall Tour
Summer tour in August only. 8/2 – 8/23????
Lollapalooza? – Chicago
Deer Creek —
Watkins Glen — 8/21-8/23 Ten at the Glen
No Fall Tour
So were are the rumor dates for 2015 sping or summer?
Craziest I ve heard yet. Trey will play with The Dead and Hornsby at Soldier Field on 7/4, to mark 20th anniversary of Jerry’s last show. Anyone else heard this?
The Dead reunion lineup will be the Core Four + Trey + Chimenti on keys 3 nights at Soldier Field 4th of July weekend!!
This explains why they don’t have their regular SPAC date this year. Dave fucking Matthews is that weekend.
Does it get any more perfect than this?
Not to sure about this there was a post up about this on facebook now it is down.
Trey, chimenti & Hornsby
It’s done deal official announced today!
Are they going to webcast these shows?
I really hope they return to Deer Creek this year.
Also, odd years generally = Gorge run too.
Unlike my DB. Deer Creek and Alpine are both up for sale; since they are owned by Live Nation and they are sinking all of their money into Northly Island; to be the premier Mid-West outdoor venue. Bummer for Alpine, the acoustics and shows have always been incredible. Deer Creek shows have always rocked as well. removed their Phish TBA comment…
rumor: new Phish rumor to be determined.
What are the odds of Saratoga springs again during 4th of July weekend?
I’ll take those : )’
Not going to happen this year…
Dave Matthews is in saratoga july 4th this year that mean phish is gotta be somewhere else…..Toga town to end the tour?
0%. Dave Matthews band just announced summer tour and have SPAC 7/3-7/4
Deer creek isn’t for sale. Alpine is. Dead creek campground in noblesville has phish listed on their website for next summer
This has to be a joke phish at lollapooza that would not work out. They most likely be back at charter one for 3 night run & deer creek I here also. Alpine not so much it’s for sale.
Lolla would be horrible. No thank you.
Has anybody heard anything about Phish headlining Coachella?
there’s no way they’d whip out a good set at coachella. Full of caspians and bouncing round the rooms. i wouldn’t pay to see that shit
No shows until July
Fall tour doubtful
Of course northerly island it’s a gold mine, but ehh for us…
Randall’s , spac are locks
Just get a floor ticket, and take a rickshaw back after the show. Thought the shows, location, scene and city views were incredible!!! Jan 3rd was awesome, but I was very sad leaving without any scheduled shows on the bill. Thanks to the boys!!!
Hearing rumors of a Muzzy Field show in Bristol, CT. I guess the new owner wants them to play there
I heard the same rumor from someone who is involved with the stadium, they told me they didn’t know if phish has committed or not
Anyone else hearing rumors of Phish playing lockn next year?
my boyfriend and I have been talking about this for months. Would so love! Maybe at least Trey will come and play with someone. Like Robert Plant. That’d be sick.
Just heard…Phish is rumored to play on the Moon in 2025. Start saving now
Apparently, when traveling to the moon, your trip is short.
Because of the incredible speed of your rocket?
Dumbest comment ever. I’m not sure why every year, for probably 20 years, someone says Phish will either be playing the Moon, or their backyard. Why even post?
Hampton Coliseum early in the year 2015.
Any updates on rumors ? Heard a return to Randall’s is a possibility … Festival ? Spring tour? Anything
If Watkins Glen is happening, it looks like August…
It says on their website that the track at Watkins glen is to be repaved beginning August 11 so I don’t see that happening
Even more cred for the glen in Aug per article posted on jambase today
Will the dead play with phish the weekend at watkins glenn? I certainly hope sooooo… I can’t wait!
Nope Chicago only last time the 4 remaing members take the stage together they said it on annoncement today!
So why would the track being paved matter for a concert? By the way all hotels and rentals are all rented. My email went crazy. Good luck finding anything now unless you are camping at the track.
Are you saying the dead & phish are playing together? If so that’s neggitive! Phish could be playing there only.
Just booked a hotel this morning 4 miles from the track.
Watkins IS happening. 8/21-8/23. It’s a lock. Book it!
Inside sources?
I never thought I would be the guy who “knows a guy” but I have a very reliable source who works at Watkins Glen in business development. He only works on racing events but he has access to the calendar. He cannot let me know who has unpublished events on the calendar but he did say “Phish” is not on the calendar. There is a “hold” on the calendar Aug 15-22. Nothing can be scheduled during these days. No mention if there is an event going on or what the hold is for.
Phish is going to rage hamptin for four nights to close down the historic venue in April !! Mini spring run if you will ! Then a light northway summer tour including regs like jones beach and spac ….. Festival ten is all but set at the glen in August …. Phish will be renting the entire venue again as they did last time and the venue is welcome to having us back they say …. Light west coast fall tour again ending with three nights In Vegas and four nights in miami again ….. You can read a write what Ya want this is what the band is going to do just the heads so ya can buy those hotels at the cheap rate for nye and Halloween guys
Phish will not be doing any spring dates or be at hampton. Hampton has yet to confirm it is closing at all. people read articles and jump to conclusions and post a rumor that is not true on here. post something that is real like 10 @ the glen
You are all crazy and so am I for reading this
No spac 7/4 as dave is playing Thar weekend
Now DMb isn’t phish, but he is playing the tour phish phans Dream of
Dte in mi, Maryland heights
Why is the Gorge crossed out?
100% confirmed soldier field jul 345. The dead with trey. Happening. No phish til late July.
hoooooow d’ya know?! I’ve heard a lot about that too, it’s making me WAY too excited, i REALLY want to see something set in stone!!
Its official!
Alaska show to end their summer tour.
Any chance they’ll still do SPAC this summer but on a different weekend in July? Maybe? Anyone know?
SPAC gonna be in a different slot because of soldier field or are they bailing Toga town period?
Deer Creek July 30-31
Alpine Valley August 1-2
I would be surprised so does that mean they are skipping charter one in Chicago? But I guess if this the last year for alpine why hell not! It is for sale.
Don’t know if they are skipping chicago completly. They are or were toying with a date(s) at wrigley field. Hearing it’s leaning more towards alpine valley. I’d rather go there than go back to chicago. Or at least Northerly
Need some damn dates already
Hampton April 10-12?? Talk to me people
huh? that would be sick! Where’d that come from?>
I think I drempt it the other night, so no real credible source. But I have a refundable room at embassy suites booked just in case! A guy can dream can’t he? No for real it might happen..
What’s this no fall tour! It should be the Midwest year for fall tour this year we need some fall phish really bad Chicago, Ohio, St. Louis, Iowa, etc! Midwest fall tour!
I did here a possible Chicago New Years run this year that would be way better then Msg or Miami.!.!.!.!….
It’s confirmed – Phish will be at Watkins Glen in August.
I work with someone who’s husband is a Schuyler County sheriff (the county of Watkins Glen). He felt it was pretty much a done deal a couple months ago, based on planning and discussions within his department. But today his wife told me it’s settled. She could not report which weekend. This may not be reliable enough for many reading this, but it is for me.
Mike in Ithaca, NY
I’d like to hear more about this Lollapalooza rumor…
Yeah I don’t know why that’s still even there. Don’t even know why it’s there to begin with. Phish will never play Lollapalooza
Who the hell wants to go there & see phish there & most likely play one set fuck that noise!
Noblesville, IN July 30th
Noblesville, IN July 31st
East Troy, WI August 1st
East Troy, WI August 2nd
Cuyahoga Falls, OH August 4th
Burgettstown, PA August 5th
Philadelphia, PA August 7th
Columbia, MD August 8th
Columbia, MD August 9th
Portsmouth, VA August 11th
Portsmouth, VA August 12th
Charlotte, NC August 14th
Alpharetta, GA August 15th
Alpharetta, GA August 16th
Watkins Glen, NY August 21st
Watkins Glen, NY August 22nd
Watkins Glen, NY August 23rd
Commerce City, CO September 4th
Commerce City, CO September 5th
Commerce City, CO September 6th
I’ll take this!
This might be the last year for alpine if this is true! It is for sale so I could see them playing there one last time.
Nickelback at Blossom August 4th. Dates are fake. Plus No Dicks this year (Watkins Instead)
For sale, with a contract expiring in 2019.
Nickelback is on the schedule for Blossom and I doubt they’d start the run with deer creek, but who knows. I’m banking on Hampton. That’s what I’m itching for.
fuck you.They aren’t playing Hampton.
How about just saying they are not playing hampton no reason to curse! I could care less if they play hampton if it happens it happens. Have a great summer tour! & the dates above are fake so don’t bank on those dates they are of a bit.
Fuck you learn grammer
Dave go eat a bag of dicks!
Get bent, you bitch.
I love how he says to learn grammar but spells it incorrectly.
Man, when did the phish rumor site become pt?
I like this tour layout but I feel like if they are playing Watkins there isn’t going to be a Dicks or vice versa
Anyone hear rumor Trey may play with the dead again at Shoreline?
Hearing people talk about on the west coast…
I have one question if so when would the mail order for tickets start. I really don’t see this happing the way they are talking that chicago is the last time they are taking the stage together. If it’s true a annoncement would be released soon.
My best friend works for the radio in Bend, OR and got news they will be playing in Bend at Les Shcwab ampitheatre at some point this summer. Soooo west coast???
This will be happening bet on it! Hahaha
Could whoever runs this site give me some contact info please??? It’s really important!!!
would think if they were going to play Bend that they would just play Gorge?
I just heard deer creek is not happening & dead creek camp ground has removed phish from there site! Sorry people I think it’s back to charter one in Chicago for 3 nights. I heard there is only going to be about 20 shows this summer with 2 to 3 night stops at normal stops.
Give us more !
Deer Creek IS happening. Just because dead creek took it down off their site that doesn’t mean it’s not happening? maybe they are fixing their site to put the dates on it?
FWIW… Buddy works at live nation in Indy. Says he verified the boys have a HOLD on Deer Creek for 7/30 and 7/31. Again, just a hold at this point.
I dont know what to believe anymore…
That you byers?
Whats with 2 threads? Derpa Derpa.
10 @ the glen! Woot! Woot!